17 to 23 May 2025
Experience non-formal education: play, grow and blossom
All week long, many “crèches”, “maisons relais”, “foyers scolaires”, “foyers de jour” and parental assistants are inviting parents to attend open houses or join their children in some of their daily activities and workshops.
Parents or future parents will get a better sense of the learning opportunities provided by non-formal education and see how it centres on a child as an individual and contributes to his global education.
Parents or future parents will get a better sense of the learning opportunities provided by non-formal education and see how it centres on a child as an individual and contributes to his global education.
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[[ day ]] Mai
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[[ activity.hourStart ]] - [[ activity.hourEnd ]]
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Inscription obligatoire [[ activity.email ]]
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[[ activity.location ]] | [[ structure.name ]]
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